
Special programme for promotion of millets in tribal areas has now been implemented in 72 blocks in 14 Districts of Odisha.Block will be unit of implementation for the programme.Programme period is for 5 years, with intense implementation period of 3 years and consolidation of 2 years.Programme is envisaged to be implemented by community based organisation facilitated by experienced facilitating agencies.ATMA is the district Nodal organisation for implementation of the programme at the District level.Programme Secretariat and Research Secretariat for the program is anchored by WASSAN and NCDS (Nabakrushna Centre for Development Studies) respectively.Programme Secretariat and Research Secretariat for the program is anchored by WASSAN and NCDS (Nabakrushna Centre for Development Studies) respectively.Directorate of Agriculture and Food Production is the state nodal agency for the programme.


Letter No Date Document
221/WSN/2018-19 2018-09-10
2M(48/19/18-10339 2018-03-23
Annexure 3: Memo 17629 and 17630 2017-11-15
Annexure 2: Memo 13376 and 13377 2017-08-23
Annexure 4 2017-08-23
Letter No. 40856 2016-11-25