Inspiring Stories-in-brief

Income enhancement through vegetable cultivation

Nilai Urlaka used to grow paddy and cotton every year in her 2 acre land. While cotton was the major crop, she took up paddy as a subsistence crop, as most other farmers in her village. While cotton provided them the cash needs, paddy yield used to last a couple of months in a year. Therefore, they used to look for on other wage-earning opportunities outside their villages when Harsha Trust launched the APC project in the village Karnikupa, it realised the real issue behind food insecurity among the tribals. The organisation conducted meetings and orientation programmes for the women farmers of the village.  Women members of the village formed a Producer Group and the members undergone trainings

on PoPs of vegetable cultivation.Nilai took interest to grow brinjal and bitter gourd in her 30 cent land, brinjal in 20 and bitter gourd in 10 cents. And accordingly, seeds were distributed among the members of the PG. intermittently they were provided with adequate training of growing vegetables in a scale. Collectively, they raised their nursery and took care of the crop field by following required PoP. When the harvesting time came, there were great excitement among the members. They nurtured their plants well and were expecting a good harvest. In the first harvest, she yielded 1.5 quintals of bitter gourd and sold at Rs. 4000 . Though taking care of both these crop activity is tough job she managed all the necessity activity for crop with deep interest. Now she had sold 1.5 quintals of Bitter gourd already. She had earned nearly Rs 4000/-from selling Bitter gourd. Production of Bitter gourd continues and she is expecting to harvest another 3 quintals and an amount of Rs.10-12000 from the same crop.

On the other hand, Brinjal crop is at the harvesting stage. She is also expecting a good return form Brinjal also. She herself took the initiative to market the produces in nearby Haats avoiding middleman. Because of this, she got the genuine as well as good price for her vegetables. She said she will deposit the entire earned amount from agriculture to her saving bank account and use it at the time of need.