What is APC
Inaugurated by honourable Chief Minister, Odisha on 6th November 2018, the project focuses to empower small and marginal women farmers by doubling their income sustainability though collectivisation and synchronised production in backward blocks of the State. ‘Promotion of Agriculture Production Cluster (APC) in Tribal Regions of Odisha’ is a collaborative effort by Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment, Department of Panchayatiraj & Drinking Water, Mission Shakti, Bharat Rural Livelihood Foundation (BRLF), District Mineral Foundations (DMF) and Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN).
The project facilitates the promotion of Producer Groups and Producer Companies (PC) for sustainability by ensuring synchronized production, linkage with stakeholders to optimize production and access different livelihood support infrastructures, orchestrating market ecosystem to actualize better prices.
Later, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) partnered with APC in the year 2020-21 to corroborate and substantiate APC’s key outcomes – strengthening Producer Companies and Production & Market System. Further, to accelerate economic empowerment of women, the project emphasises women participation in the governance system and institutional arrangements of production and market systems.
Initially, the project implemented in 40 blocks in 12 tribal dominated districts of Odisha. Later in 2021-22, considering the efficaciousness of the project, GoO expanded the project to 33 more blocks - all 17 blocks in Sundargarh, 8 remaining blocks in Keonjhar, 5 in Angul, 1 in Rayagada and 2 in Jharsuguda. Thus, presently the project covers 73 blocks across 14 districts in the State.
Key Highlights
Some of the major milestones, expected outputs and outcomes of the project


YCDA is a voluntary organization registered in the year 1993...

YAVARD focuses on facilitating organization building process of the people at grassroot level. In the operational areas, our activities are mostly directed towards facilitating the empowerment of poor and marginalized tribal and other backward sections of the society through issue based campaigns, developing alternative leadership from among the poor and enabling them to participate in the mainstream development. Towards this end, the organization has taken sincere efforts in initiating dialogues, organizing issue focused discussion meetings, organizing training programs and workshops on various socio-economic issues, panchayati raj, marketing of minor forest produces by the SHGs, govt. welfare schemes, spreading awareness on different local and national issues.

Convergence of government schemes and capacity building of village institutions to carry out development are the main strategy that WOSCA follows.

VIKALPA is a registered NGO, striving to improve the lives and livelihoods of the poor...

Shramik Shakti Sangathan (SSS) was established in 1984 and started...

Sambalpur Integrated Development Institute (SIDI),a non-government...

Registered in 2001, Society for Harmonious Renaissance of Ideas through...

Sundargarh Gramya Unnayan Pratisthan (SGUP) was established in 1990 to work toward social, political and economic emancipation of tribal communities of Sundargarh districts through promotion of peoples’ organization, capacity building, and livelihood development through sustainable natural resource management, networking and advocacy based on rights.

SGF aims to facilitate the resource poor to release their creative potentialities for the holistic development as a whole through integrated approach, which encompasses socio-economic, cultural and environmental development of the area of operation.

SEWAK is a grass root level organization native to Sundargarh district. Compliments to the dedicated workmanship of a team of pioneering young minds that inspired by a strong inner impulsion to add to the assuagement for marginalized people in their own and neighbouring settlements brought this organization in to existence.

SEWA, founded in 1992 and based in Jharsuguda, aspires to achieve affluence...

As we move forward, society needs to engage with compassion and empathy with those who are left behind, treating them as equals.”

Registered in 1988, Lokadrusti presently covers Nuapada, Kalahandi...

In order to overcome the emerging issues like poverty, drought ....

Janasahajya emerged in the development scenario of Kalahandi....

IMTS facilitate empowerment of marginalized class through undertaking study and research on Educational programmes, facilitate sustainable development process through localized and justified in production and distribution system, facilitate to raise voice against discrimination based on caste, gender and religion and disseminate information on potential areas for developmental interventions.

Indian Grameen Services (IGS) is a not-for-profit Company, registered under the Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 (corresponding to Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013), and established in February 26, 1987 as an action research organisation.

Ideal Development Agency has been working on sustainable development...

Harsha Trust is a not for profit organization that works with the tribal and the poor....

Spread across diverse ecological and social geographies, FES works towards...

It strives to enable people to analyse the situation of their deprivation and to motivate them to confront the situation through a collective action thereby giving the reference community an opportunity to realise their fullest potential

CYSD (Centre for Youth and Social Development) is a non-government and non-profit...

BGS is working for the development of the weaker section of the society...

AJSA is a State level rights-based non-government and not-for-profit organisation...

AJKA is committed to bring about positive changes in the quality of lives of the trial communications and deprived people. Income and employment generation is a continuous process of bringing positive change in the socio-economic status of all community members, including the marginalized people integrating rights and entitlements through direct community participation.

ADHIKAR is a registered NGO based in Balangir district and working...
APCOdisha On Social
APC odisha Updates
Tears of joy rolled down my cheeks as I received the award
It was just five years back when my spouse, Gobind Nayak, used to work as a mason and earn a meager sum of Rs 5000, for almost six months in a year, that too at irregular intervals. We had four acres of land where we grew crops like paddy, maize and vegetables for our own consumption.
GOOD PRACTICES 56-Farmer Producer Company as a Pathway to Change for Women Farmers in the Highlands of Odisha
Small and marginal farmers constitute about 83% of the farming community in the Indian state of Odisha. According to the National Sample Survey (NSS) Report 2019, the average monthly income ...
APC To Trigger Growth
State Agriculture and Farmers Empowerment Minister Arun Sahoo on Monday said that Promotion of Agriculture Production Cluster in Tribal Regions of Odisha will trigger growth in farm sector with an objective of sustainable-doubling the income of one-lakh small and marginal farmers
Glimpses of APC
APC aims to trigger growth in farm sector with the objective of sustainably double the income of 1- Lakh small and marginal farmers in the backward highland regions of the State. A multilateral project aims to double the income of small and marginal farmers in a span of three years. Sustainable and productive livelihood assets will also be created through converging relevant schemes from departments, with an aim to secure livelihoods of one lakh small and marginal farmers in the project areas.